Monday, April 12, 2010


how can i not love Paul Gilbert???? flawless technique amazing voice humble down to earth with such a great personality! always one of my favorite guitar heros!!!

his fluidity and improvisation never cease to amaze me. this man has truly talent! and everytime he plays u can hear his passion and fun for the guitar ;D he cn even sweep with his ass. lol. his truly overrated.

ppl like him was one of the reasons i really felt like playing the guitar !
for those who doesnt know who he is. ure definetely missing on something. :D

Monday, February 22, 2010

OH MY !!

its Ken ! but whatt??? his singing and not playing guitar for lover boy! total awesomeness! ;D


the lead guitar was no match for ken's playing!!! although the tone was nearly the same as ken's hehe. its hard to replicate ken's style 100 percent!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

im 20 :D

Just got back from Cherating and i just turned 20 years old!!

should i be happy or sad? time flies so fast! :D

well damn. im friggin' 20 years old . !!! no "teen"

Let's see what the future has in store for me....


thanks to my gf ,mama, papa and all my friends that wished me a Happy Birthday : ') so shweet! <3

*i cant stop listening to l'arc* =.=

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Next Guitar(s) that i wish to own. . .

Fernandez Ravelle

Fernandes Retrorocket Pro

The Almighty Ibanez Gem ( with sustainers )


Ibanez PGM 301 ( PG ROCKS )

i need to save more money .. and yes no more les pauls :D my classic is the best!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Funny Shit!

This is a video from the Padang's at Vermillion's EP launch at Singapore. Check it out! haha

Disclaimer :
* The Padangs is not a sex-crazed band * LOL

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Black Lion

Yup, the future of my lil' 206? I'll wait and see..

Kamen Rider Double Ep 19 Review

So i just finished watching W ep 19 yesterday night and this is the Episode where Kamen Rider Accel debuted.

So far his character (Terui Ryu) is more "hard-boiled" then Shotaro and his attitude's abit too serious. Kinda irritates me. Not really digging the Accel suit either. Its something like a mix between Super Sentai and Tokusatsu...??

He even called Shotaro, Hidari. ROFL!

but i think the idea of carrying a super heavy sword is kinda cool and new:D

Like Double, Accel also has his own set of Gaia Memories. So far its Accel and Engine.

I can tell that there will definitely be a rider battle between Double and Accel :D

Cant wait for next EP to come out. Things started to get better as i can see new villains debuting. But ill miss Nasca alot. :O Wish he could stay as he seems to have a light side.

Many thanks to Tv-Nihon, W-time and Order of Zeronos for subbing this.